Curt Corginia
(banned account) I am the founder, CEO, lead web developer, and janitor at CORGICorporation
2 years ago β€’ 🏦 Business Titan

We hired someone with ZERO experience. We thought he would be a great fit with our culture so we took a chance. He didn't. We didn't train him. We're a pyramid scheme company, not a god damn charity. He has since been fired twice. The first time our HR screwed up on the paperwork. Sometimes people just need a chance. Agree? #circlejerk


Not training them is key. It's the only way to know if they have the proper bootstraps to survive your company's culture of #hustle and #synergy.


Same with us.

Edward Door IV

2 years ago

This is so true! In my Company it always boosts the perception of HR after they screw up their own processes! Never stop thinking!


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