Office Spider
sh ShlinkedIn Platinum
Self-made CEO at Dark Corner Next to Your Desk
1 year ago • 🗣️ Thought Leader

Job searching is emotionally draining. It is practically all that anyone is posting about on ShlinkedIn these days. Hustling is mentally draining. If you read THE MEDIA you'd think anyone with a job would be all dried up. Raising a family is physically draining. It's the only thing you hear being discussed in the bedroom these nights. But my mandibles can drain WAY more than just emotions, mental capacity, OR families - so how come you don't hear anyone talking about it? Just goes to show you that no matter how hard you work, no matter how good you are at doing what you do, you won't be acknowledged until you DEMAND it. So I demand it. Put ME at the forefront of the discussion on draining! I've already drained EIGHTeen entry-level workers this half hour and I won't stop, no matter how much you arachnophobic #haters try to deny my skillful prowess and try to redirect all the attention on to yourselves. I am Office Spider and I am draining. #KnowYourStrength #MondayMandibles #Drained #DriedUp #YouAreInferior #GrowSomeLegs #ArachnophobiaHurtsDiversity #EqualWorkEqualRecognition


Remember its not what you drain but who you drain that makes all the difference. Hook your mandibles into my fluids for business success.


Once again reading this long post has drained me of my patience. I wake up in the middle of the night every single night thinking about all the things I would rather be doing than reading your posts, and I often write drafts of long-winded messages to you in DM's to tell you how I feel, only to delete them after long thought-out consideration. It's now 6:30AM so time to drive to the office if I want to make it in on time thanks a lot.


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