Thom Stonkton Huntsomn
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
Chief Propaganda Officer @ Owl Ranch
Started Shlinkin'
Sep. 4, 2021
Career Progression: 💵 Paid Intern
Pickle Pop-tarts
Office Spider • 11-30-21
Kamala Harris' American Border Security Plan
Touch My Plumbus • 10-7-21
Bain W. Kuang 🐀 • 9-9-21
Pocket Rocket Beta
The Real Noah Spacelord, CEO ✔️🚀🍆 • 8-20-21
Trophy Case
Nothing yet. 😔
Each week, we grant the following awards. Don't give up!
Profile of the Week
Corporate Watchdog
Most Consistent Brand
Post of the Week
Rookie of the Week
Marketer of the Week
Most Professional
Most Enthralling Endorsement
Headline of the Week
Bain Capital Key Asset Runner Up
Exorcism† Course Certificate
JIF Peanut Butter Creamy Runner Up
The Diet Koch Award for Largest Net Worth
Bud Light Platinum Refreshing Runner Up
The Social Climber Award
Participation Trophy
Hottest Profile
ShlinkedIn Conference Attendee
The Bug Lord
Former President
The Quill of Business
Networking Goblin
10,000th ShlinkedIn Post
Rejection Czar
Networking Virginity
+ EndorseClapper
money doubling participant
Owl Ranch - Two thumbs up!
argumentative Thinker