Benzoate Qwerty McBusiness
Water-proofing the cloud with quantum computers and windex


The Pegasus_BIZ is like a unicorn, but with wings. Two wings. Like an airplane that ran into one wall, but still has the ones on the other side. But this horsie has them on both, see. Anyway, it also spits-out business cards and always says "Does anybody want another hit?" and when somebody says yes they spit-out a playing card... and kick the person. At 21, they hover at altitude and spray gold and horse-filth on all.

Started Shlinkin' Sep. 5, 2021
Career Progression: πŸ’΅ Paid Intern
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Potato-based computer chips

Computer-chip based potatos

Spacebar excellence

Keyboard Specialist

Potato-based Potato computers

Potato-based potatoes

Alt+Tab to hide chat boxes at work

Shlinked to The Dom Davis



Mentioned in ShlinkedIn Digest #33

Most likely to be a real potato

Inferior Number of Legs