Catherine Thick Simpson
Change Agent. Corporate Disruptor. Rainmaker. I haven't slept in ten years.


Do you want to eat all the marzipan? Do you want to roll around in the dough and feel the glistening between your toes as your babe tells you you are king of the world? Join me and I will make you a thought leader, better than all other thought leaders. They will want to give up and live under a bridge after I'm done with you. Hire me today for ultimate happiness and endless blow pops. I drive a Tesla and my dad owns a dealership.

Owner of The Wisdom Dojo.
7th degree black belt

Started Shlinkin' Jun. 3, 2022
Career Progression: πŸ’° CEO
+ Review

Trophy Case


    Bain Capital Key Asset Runner Up

    Jun. 3, 2024


    The Social Climber Award

    Jul. 4, 2022


    Bain Capital Key Asset Runner Up

    Jun. 20, 2022


    Participation Trophy

    Jun. 13, 2022

+ Endorse

Stellar at vengeance

Pulling Underwear to become Upperwear

Is pronounced "Catherine"

Blow Pops

Bread enjoyer

Interesting hygiene

Beats dough senseless

Hung like stallion, goes like sewing machine

Invested in Dog Karate

Heathen Heckler Extraordinaire

Very Popular πŸ˜‰

Lipstick Thief

Endorsement onanism

Good at pets

Burrito Eating