Dave Business
CEO of Shlinked

I created this place.

Started Shlinkin' Nov. 29, 2020
Career Progression: ☕ Unpaid Intern

Trophy Case


    Networking Goblin

    Aug. 22, 2022


    Jan. 6, 2021

+ Endorse

Minister for Good Times

Created this place, which was my idea

Giving me the ShlinkPoints I need to get up

Good Looks

Fortune 60 under 60

Forbes 10,000 under 10,000

Good lucks, great speler.

Tom Vibes

Stinky fingers

Still won’t Shlink with me

It's a Moonse, not a Planetse

Why don’t you love me

Peanut Butter Falcon

Champion Endorser F6 winner

Bestest name ever.

generous guy

Big Spender


Generous to a Fault.

ShlinkedIn 100 under 100

What’s Dave’s business is his business

the umpire was biased and unfair

Remote-first under the pants handjobs

Your site gave me the clap

Living comfortably in building

senior php developer

senior angular.js developer



Payme bitch of the year

We call him "The Money".


40 billion under 40 billion!

Can find ass with both hands!

Looks jolly

attention economics

I think I know him, yeah you’re that guy!

He dorses the ments

Poops at work

No gum under his desk

Answer my calls

Has the best dad jokes....great at funerals!

He's the bidness alright

Pantaloon Abscondament

Business is his name and he's ahead of the game

You've heard of The Man? He is The Man!

Walks the extra mile in your shoes

Always has a Shlink up his sleeve

Inferior Number of Legs

I influenced him

Best doer, not a follower

Met him on Software Heads In Ties conference

Working hard to keep the family safe

Attention bad breath

Has a golden thumb and is not afraid to use it

Corner office energy

Best Thumb

redistribution of shlink wealth

CEO of Shlinky-winky-blinky-doo!

Professional Stackoverflow copier

Jumpkicks other platforms right in the throat